ADHD Evaluation and Treatment

At Attention-MD New Jersey, our staff is dedicated to our patients with ADHD and co-occurring conditions. Contact us today to learn how we can help your family move from discouraged to encouraged.

Attention-MD New Jersey is a medical practice for children and adolescents with ADHD and related concerns. Our evidence-based evaluation utilizing objective data for the diagnosis of ADHD and co-occurring conditions encompasses a holistic approach committed to the patient's and family's overall well-being. Our clinic is staffed by a board-certified medical doctor who takes the time to listen to our patients' and families' concerns, as we use our years of pediatric and adolescent medical practice experience with cutting edge data driven neuropsychological technology to provide correct evidence-based diagnosis and treatment of attention-related disorders.

What is Attention-MD New Jersey? How Does Attention-MD New Jersey Work?

Child balancing pencil on nose

When ADHD symptoms and concerns are present, parents and patients often wonder where to start. Often being afraid of a rushed inaccurate diagnosis, and at the same time, often worrying about a prolonged, expensive, and inconvenient testing process.

At Attention-MD New Jersey, we view ADHD and related conditions as medical conditions, not behavioral or psychological. We are committed to addressing these concerns with the highest quality up to date, time efficient testing and treatment. Our process ensures that a board-certified, experienced physician spends the necessary clinical time using FDA-cleared testing to arrive at accurate diagnoses and can suggest evidence-based therapies and interventions usually at the first appointment. When the diagnosis is not clear, or the symptoms are due to other conditions, we continue to work with families to find the required resources necessary.

At Attention-MD New Jersey, we adhere to the latest professional guidelines, and we individualize our care for each patient and family. Patients with ADHD and related conditions share numerous characteristics, but no two patients are alike. We utilize a holistic approach and are committed to all the patient's health needs. In addition to comprehensive initial assessments, Attention-MD New Jersey provides careful and continued follow-up to ensure the treatment plan is optimized and meets the patient's ongoing needs as ADHD and related conditions can be a life-span health issue, leading to different concerns at various times of life.

At Attention-MD New Jersey, improving the lives of patients and families with ADHD and related conditions is our mission and our passion. We understand the aggravation. Let us guide you to acceptance and understanding.''


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