Attention-MD New Jersey Approach

We Prepare Ahead of Your First Visit.

We begin getting to know the patient before you arrive for the first appointment. Prior to your visit, we will have reviewed your submitted comprehensive health history, including previous medical records, past evaluations, and behavioral questionnaires to maximize the usefulness of our time together.

We Listen.

We carefully listen to the patients, the parents of our patients, and all significant other individuals involved in our patients' lives. We welcome and encourage information from teachers, coaches and other professionals involved in the patient's life.

We Perform Objective Testing.

Our testing system is an FDA-cleared computer based neuropsychological test that the doctor will interpret at the time of the visit to help identify core neurological features of ADHD. This testing provides objective data that, together with other information, will help to identify, rule out, and monitor ADHD symptoms.

Adolescent studying with headphones

We Follow Through and Follow Evidence-Based Guidelines.

Follow-up is one of the most important ways to improve outcome and overall health in ADHD care. Follow-up visits are scheduled at each visit to ensure continuity of care, following the current ADHD and co-occurring condition treatment guidelines. When medication is utilized as part of a comprehensive treatment plan, a follow-up visit is scheduled within one month, and patients are regularly evaluated in the office at 3- month intervals, to ensure continued health improvements and to assess for new concerns.

We Strive for Optimal.

We strive to provide the optimal amount of time and testing to determine the right diagnosis and treatment plan, the optimal amount of effective medication when medically indicated, and the optimal amount of reassurance and follow-up. We strive to keep working with our patients and their families to find the optimal individual solution so that health and day to day functioning are all optimized.

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