New Patients

Teen balancing sports balls The Attention-MD New Jersey evaluation starts before your first appointment arrival. We ask that you complete the appropriate new patient registration and history forms (links below) and submit to our office at least one week  prior to the appointment to ensure that we can thoroughly review all the provided information before your arrival. Forms can be submitted in person, by regular mail, or by email. This makes our time spent during the initial office visit most efficient and productive. Please also submit any records from previous evaluations or testing along with the Attention-MD New Jersey requested information.

What to Expect at the First Visit

  • Please plan to arrive 15 minutes ahead of the scheduled appointment time.  This allows for the completion of any additional registration forms and ensures ample time to become familiar with our staff and premises.  The first evaluation appointment typically spans 90-120 minutes, which allows for FDA-cleared objective testing, comprehensive physical and neurological examination, structured clinical interview, and opportunity to discuss therapeutic options.  All patient and family questions will be addressed by the doctor and our staff during this time.  At the conclusion of the visit, a comprehensive therapeutic plan will be provided, and the appropriate follow-up visit will be scheduled. An appropriate medical note for school/work absence will be provided.

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